October 1, 2013

One day closer

Hi Friends! So, today we are one day closer to meeting our baby Blue! At 34 weeks I must say that I am feeling more pregnant than ever. Blue has me resting ALOT and losing energy really fast, but I know this tiny huge blessing in my tummy is worth it all!

I am so grateful for this small window of time God has given me to prepare my body and my heart for mommy-hood. The highlights of my days right now are the sweet, quiet mornings I get to spend with Jesus...dreaming, worshipping, nature walking, imagining all that Blue will get to be in his or her life. Sometimes things seem so still... like the calm before a magnificent storm, waiting in eager anticipation for something tremendous, something mighty, full of power, wonder, glory, life. I know these moment are timeless. And I am honored that God would choose me and our family for such a time as this. Bring on the RAIN!!
My sunrise walk.. I think God is SMILING

Stay tuned. Something amazing is about to happen....