January 19, 2012

Crazy Waiting

Sometimes following after Christ involves some good ol' fashioned WAITING. That's right... Waiting. So, after a few bumps along the way, we've decided we mine as well make the most of it. Afterall, we may not ever get this kind of time back again!

Our days have been filled with a whole lot of reading, praying, coffee, running, hiking, cooking, and soon-to-be Gateway adventures. Sure, it would be nice to know how our whole future is going look here in Texas, but why spend all of our time trying to figure that out when our Heavenly Father already knows the end from the beginning? So we'll just leave it with Him, and keep on doing our best to live in the unique and precious gift of the here and now.

Some of our activities:

Project number "i don't know" = PAINT! as much yellow as we can get our hands on =)

Project number "who knows" = Do something crazy!
Yep, chopped it all off!!

Practicing His patience and His timing = living THE Dream
J + C  <3

January 6, 2012

3- Month Anniversary Tribute

Three months ago this weekend I said "I DO" to the most incredible man I know. Time sure flys when you get to be married to your best friend! Our wedding was a DREAM... a beautiful, perfect, amazing DREAM.  And the greatest part was getting to share it all with the friends and family we cherish most.  We want to say WE LOVE YOU, and THANK YOU for being a part of the most special day of our lives. This post is dedicated to the most amazing people we know...


January 3, 2012

Our Very First Home!

God has blessed us with an amazing first home in Grapevine, Texas! We have been on the move, packing, unpacking, organizing, buying =/ , decorating, and creating our very first home together. We've snapped a few pics, but don't get too excited... they're only our "before" shots. More to come as our first Dream Home is born...

 Although we are missing all of you at home so so much, we continue to be overwhelmed by the Lord's goodness to us. This adventure of learning how to be married can be crazy at times, especially being so faraway from the ones who truly know us and love us. We are really growing closer to each other and to our Savior everyday. We got Jesus in the boat!! And so we shall ride with Him above all the storms. Thank you for all your prayers again. Please continue to keep us lifted high.

Missing All the Ones We Love,
Joseph & Cobi