November 21, 2010

To Delete or Not Delete?

At this point I realize I have left my blog in the dust for quite some time. Truth be told, I have wanted to delete it on a number of occassions. Coming into this journey in Texas four months ago I didn't have many expectations. All I knew was that this is where God was asking me to go and the rest was up to Him. Now that I'm knee-deep in and almost half-way through, I have to say that this has been one of the most challenging and stretching seasons of my life so far. God didn't show me what I was getting into with City Year because I probably wouldn't have chosen it if I had known. But He is doing a great work in me.

I have wanted to delete it all... throw in the towel and come home to all of YOU ... my Amazing family. But I have decided that I cannot delete my blog. I cannot close my eyes and wish away this intense, intimidating, exhausting, crazy ride of a season I find myself in. I must go through it and continue to trust Him deeply.  My hope is to send my love and write more often on this blog, because my prayer is that there will be more positive and beautiful things along the way to tell you about in San Antonio as my journey continues on.

For now, THANK YOU so so much for all of your support and prayers on my behalf. I wish I had all the time in the world to keep in constant touch with each of you. Know that I keep you close to my heart always. I love you all and miss you more than you even know. I'll be coming home for Christmas December 18th! I absolutely cannot wait to see you! I hope you all have the best Thanksgiving with the people you love the most. God has given us incredible gifts ...

with love,