August 27, 2013

Beautiful Changes

Our family is doing great - God is SO good to us! My apologies for this very delayed post. We're in the middle of a big change of seasons, and it's about to get even better with baby Blue's arrival in November!

One of the greatest transitions has been my recent "promotion" to Stay-at-Home-Mom. After lots of prayer and affirmation a few months back, I felt God releasing me from my full-time job at Gateway Church and into full-on preparation for His plans and dreams for our family. This includes full-on preparation for baby: rest, sleep, exercise, birth boot camp, and tons of learning about natural, healthy childbirth and parenting. I'm three weeks in, and I have to say that I am finding so much joy in this new job role of mine!

Pregnancy "perk": Protein galore!
Another huge reason for having these last few months at home before Blue's arrival is the opportunity for me to pursue the next big part of a life-long passion: a Holistic Health degree. Since being in Texas, the Lord has revealed so much to me about His heart for healing, health, wholeness, and vitality in every part of who we are: Spirit, Soul, AND Body. I am excited to get this huge educational piece under my belt that will greatly help to equip me for a ministry of Divine health and healing. Stay tuned for lots more to come on that!

Joseph is already the greatest daddy that I know. He smiles at, talks to, and prays over Blue all the time! It has been a real gift to see a new joy in him already, along with his amazing commitment to me and Blue through his rock-solid trust and obedience in where the Lord has him right now as the leader of our family. I've got to be the most blessed wife on the planet - it certainly feels like it!

August 25th: 28 1/2 weeks
I'm officially in the last trimester and stretch of this pregnancy. It has been quite the journey and continues to be a new adventure every single day. AND, I know the best is truly yet to come! We are praying and believing for HUGE things for Blue's birth, delivery, and destiny. God is about to do so many amazing things and I cannot wait to share yet another incredible testimony about our Father's extravagant goodness, richness, faithfulness, and love toward us!

Blue's first big gift: a car seat!

1 comment:

  1. Praying and rejoicing with you ALL.
    Blessings and Cyberhugs from Nevada!
